Please be aware there has been cougars spotted in Redwood over the last couple of weeks in several locations.
Cougars and other wildlife are always on the move looking for prey, and there has been a recent deer kill in town.
Fish & Wildlife has been made aware of the situation.
We will continue to see increased activity in town as the deer become more and more domesticated.
Do NOT feed the deer!
Do NOT feed any wildlife(no matter how cute they are)
Do NOT put out garbage or recycling the night before pick up.
Keep attractants like fruit bearing bushes or trees off your property.
As always, please be aware of your surroundings. With fawning season upon us, we will see an increase in predator activity.
We also understand that those of you that read our updaters are engaged citizens who follow recommendations and rules. Reaching those that do not follow rules is a very challenging task.
If you see something happening that makes our community unsafe, please let us know. We will do our best to help inform and educate.
Our email updaters go out to more than 450 emails, but we can't force people to read them.
please visit for more information on living with wildlife
All Rights Reserved | Redwood Meadows Townsite | In Partnership with CCC