Cougar Sightings in Redwood Meadows
We have had multiple sightings of a cougar in Redwood Meadows. Warning of these sightings have been
posted. The Townsite contacted Fish and Wildlife (F&W), and a file has been set up with regards to this
Fish and Wildlife has requested that if the animal is sighted, or if a resident has an encounter with the
animal to immediately contact them at 1-800-642-3800.
Please be aware when out walking or if you children are out playing. F&W stated that they would expect
this cougar to keep moving but make sure you take precautions - have bear spray handy and review
protocols on how to react in the event on an encounter, example - don’t turn your back to the cougar
and do not start running etc..
F&W also stated that deer are one of the cougar’s primary source of food, and with the “Urban deer”, as
F&W calls them, we have in our community, it becomes an available opportunity for the cougar.
We know some residents like to feed the deer and squirrels, along with other wildlife,
this is against our bylaws and must stop immediately.
All Rights Reserved | Redwood Meadows Townsite | In Partnership with CCC