Date: 23/09/27
Water Main Repairs
We have scheduled the repairs to the water main and 2 curb stops to begin on Monday October 2, 2023. The location of the dig will be by 21 Sleigh Drive. The contractor, LT Earth Services, has scheduled Alberta 1 Call for Thursday Sept. 28th, this is a prerequisite before any dig can start. If Alberta 1 Call completes their locates prior to October 2nd then we will initiate an exploratory excavation on October 2nd to expose the main and to isolate the leak. Once the exploratory dig is completed the hole will be backfilled so that the necessary parts to complete the repair can be picked up in Calgary. The excavator will then excavate to expose the damaged line, once exposed we will have to shut down the water to Sleigh Drive in order to make the repairs. Once the repairs are completed, the water will be turned on. How long your water will be shut off cannot be determined at this time so we suggesting that the affected residents store potable water for drinking and to fill your bath tub with water so water can be bucketed in order to use your toilets. We are expecting the water to be shut off for no more than 8 hours. If necessary the Townsite will bring in a portable cistern for additional potable water. We are also replacing two curb stops - one at 18 Sleigh Drive – which is in the driveway and the other at 21 Sleigh Drive – which is in the landscaped area. 18 Sleigh Drive will mean cutting out a portion of the driveway so vehicle access will be impacted. Once the repairs and backfilling have been completed we will then pave the impacted areas – including the driveway at 18 Sleigh Drive. Landscaping will be repaired in the spring of 2024, if we can’t get sod for this year.
There is a possibility that the paving may have to be deferred until the spring as all paving companies and crews are flat out busy trying to complete contract before the asphalt plants close. If the paving cannot be completed then we will backfill up to the level of the adjacent paving elevations making the roadway and driveway safe and usable.
Vehicle traffic will have to access their homes from either the north or south entrances to Sleigh Drive as the roadway will be “cut in half” during the work.
We apologize for the inconvenience but we are hoping that with this repair we will see significant reduction in our potable water loss.
Please make sure to keep pets indoors or on leash and to make sure any children are playing indoors or in back yards as we will have significant large truck traffic on Sleigh Drive.
Any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself at the Administration building.
Thank you
Gord Tate
Townsite Manager
All Rights Reserved | Redwood Meadows Townsite | In Partnership with CCC